What are anxiety disorders?

I specialise in helping individuals with all aspects of anxiety. I have a special interest in helping clients overcome the legacy of developmental trauma. Anxiety can manifest in a variety of ways. These are some of the common issues that I can help you with:

stress, general or social anxiety, performance anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive behaviours, intrusive thoughts, sleep difficulties, procrastination, lack of focus and motivation, dissociation, brain fog, burn-out, depression, low self-esteem, Inner critic, imposter syndrome, loneliness, disconnection, overwhelming emotions such as anger, irritability, mood swings, grief, difficult life transitions, identity crisis, teens’ sexual and gender identity problems, digestive disorders, emotional eating or trauma related conditions like PTSD.

Together we can work on resolving the root cause of your issue.

What causes anxiety?

Our Central Nervous System (CNS) governs our sensations, thoughts, emotions and behaviours. It has evolved to maximise our survival and keep us safe. Our CNS detects potential threats and danger in our environment. When a threat is detected, the CNS activates a stress response to prepare our body to act and think quickly. As we grow up, our CNS matures in terms of sensitivity and reactivity to perceived stress. We develop our personal window of tolerance to stress. Anxiety can arise when our CNS gets overloaded or dis-regulated by life’s challenges, sometimes as a result of enduring stressful conditions and adversity in the early years.

Interpersonal stress

Personal relationships can be impacted by anxiety, equally relationships can contribute to it. Our feelings and emotions towards others can serve as a signalling system that gives us feedback about our place in relation to others. Learning to develop awareness, recognise and value how you feel is an important part of healing. Together we can work on difficult relationships, develop assertive communication and healthy boundaries. 

Early life adversity and developmental trauma

During the pre-verbal pre-cognitive stages of childhood, we experience the world through their senses and emotions. Trauma results from events that are experienced as too soon, too fast and too much for the nervous system to process. This can impact the process of memory formation and development. 

Different types of trauma

Acute trauma can result from a single overwhelming event. Chronic trauma can result from an ongoing harmful situation such as domestic violence. Complex trauma can result from the accumulation of enduring harmful and overwhelming circumstances that may not be related. The legacy of developmental trauma can be complex to heal because it affects all levels of our being: physiological, behavioural, emotional, psychological and relational.

Healing trauma

We will explore the type of trauma you have experienced and the specific trauma responses that you have developed. Trauma is an important part of your story and your making. Making sense of what happened is equally important as releasing the trapped emotions. I'll make sure that you don't repeat the same, doing too much, too fast, too soon. I will support while you come to terms with the past, at your own pace and in a safe way.

To find out how I can help, please contact me now on +44 (0)207 183 3878.

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